Our Members
More Than Four is a collaboration of Vermont non-profit organizations whose missions include the promotion of equitable opportunities for affordable housing across the state. If you’re looking to volunteer or help in your community, these organizations are a great place to start.
Addison Housing Works (formerly Addison County Community Trust) strives to enrich the lives of low- and moderate-income people of Addison County by ensuring the development, management and maintenance of safe, quality, affordable homes and related supports for families, seniors and individuals.
Based in Burlington, Cathedral Square is a national leader in the creation of high-quality, affordable, service-enriched housing communities for older adults and people with special needs. It operates 24 assisted-living communities as well as other residences throughout Chittenden County.
With offices in Burlington and St. Albans, The Champlain Housing Trust is a Community Land Trust that supports the people of Northwest Vermont and strengthens their communities through the development and stewardship of permanently affordable homes and related community assets.
Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity
CVOEO addresses fundamental issues of economic, social, racial, and environmental justice and works with people to achieve economic independence. It’s based in Burlington.
Downstreet Housing & Community Development
Downstreet is based in Barre and serves people in Washington, Orange, and Lamoille counties. It is a private, mission-driven, not-for-profit organization that’s dedicated to the creation of equity in opportunities for all through the power of housing and its ability to connect people to the resources they need to thrive.
Evernorth is a nonprofit organization that serve the low and moderate income people in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont with affordable housing and community investments. Its team raises capital, invests in and builds affordable housing, strengthens our economy, and improves our environment through energy efficiency.
Since 1991, Lamoille Housing Partnership has worked to reduce barriers to housing and close the housing opportunity gaps that adversely affect lower and moderate income Vermonters. It serves Lamoille Valley communities by developing and maintaining income-eligible affordable homes and apartments.
RuralEdge Housing & Community Development
RuralEdge strengthens Northeast Kingdom communities one home at a time. RuralEdge envisions Northeast Kingdom communities where every individual can live in stable, affordable housing with access to the services they need to live a healthy and prosperous life.
Shires Housing provides quality affordable housing in southwestern Vermont, including apartments and family homes. Based in Bennington, it works with partners to ensure that housing empowers individual and communal well-being.
Twin Pines Housing is the leading developer and provider of affordable housing in the Upper Connecticut River Valley region for individuals and families with low to moderate incomes.
Housing & Homelessness Alliance of Vermont
HHAV is committed to ensuring that all Vermonters have decent, safe, and affordable housing. Its 90+ members primarily focus on education, advocacy, and outreach.
Vermont Housing & Conservation Board
Through a variety of initiatives, VHCB works to ensure that affordable housing, farmland, jobs, and recreational assets are available for every generation of Vermonters.
Vermont Housing Finance Agency
Vermont Housing Finance Agency (VHFA) was established in 1974 to finance and promote affordable, safe and decent housing opportunities for low- and moderate-income Vermonters.
Vermont Legal Aid offers free legal services as it strives to advance fairness and justice in the civil legal system, address the social and economic interests of its clients, and confront the underlying causes of poverty, discrimination, and inequality.
Windham & Windsor Housing Trust
With offices in Brattleboro and Bellows Falls, WWHT’s mission is to provide permanently affordable housing solutions in southeastern Vermont through property management, homeowner education, low-cost loans and financial assistance, and advocacy.