Be a yeighbor.
Say yes to creating more affordable homes in your neighborhood and community. Your voice is powerful, your time is valuable, and your support is essential. Here are some ways you can help:

Join the #MoreThanFour Movement
Posting to social media about your support for More Than Four is an easy step that anyone can take. Our resources page has templates and tools you can use for posts.
Speak Truth to Power
Tell your elected leaders that your community in Vermont needs more homes that everyone can afford. Here’s how to find your Vermont legislators for your community, and here’s how to contact your representatives in the US congress. You can also contact Governor Phil Scott.
Get Involved locally
Whether it’s a municipally-supported committee, subcommittee of the planning commission, resident advocacy group, housing discussion meet-up, or any other group that seeks to support or change the quality, quantity, affordability, and/or inclusiveness of housing in a community, forming or joining a local housing committee can be a great start.
Don’t Zone Out, Zone In!
Your voice is powerful, especially when you attend local zoning and planning committee meetings, where affordable housing is often a topic. Speak up and tell them you support affordable homes in your community. Your town’s website will have more info on when and where.
Money Talks, Too
If you’re able, consider supporting your local affordable housing non-profit organization. The Housing & Homelessness Alliance of Vermont has links to find your local organization.
Dear Editor
Writing a letter to the editor at your local community newspaper can help, too. Often, letters to the editor come from those opposed to creating more homes that people can afford, so it’s important for More Than Four supporters to speak up as well.